The Ontario government has formally announced the process for the build of a High-Speed Rail (HSR) system for Southwestern Ontario. The recent Ontario budget provided for an $11 billion investment for Phase One, which would connect London and Toronto by 2025.
The full High-Speed Rail line would eventually be completed to Windsor for a construction cost of $21 billion. The 250 km/h train would be part of an expanded public transit system including a GO Regional Express Rail (RER) project to expand two-way service across the GO rail network. A number of GO’s current lines only operate into Toronto in the morning and return in the afternoon.
Fast, efficient and cost-effective public transportation is vital to both rural and urban Ontario. Improved rail transportation is one piece of a comprehensive, integrated transportation system for all of Ontario.
OFA calls for a comprehensive analysis of costs and benefits of the High-Speed Rail proposal including all costs to rural residents, communities, and farm businesses to determine the viability of High Speed Rail in Ontario; including, but not limited to;
- the impacts of a fenced High-Speed Rail line on wildlife, natural heritage and biodiversity,
- the social and economic impacts of a fenced High-Speed Rail corridor physically dividing SW Ontario,
- the impacts for communities across southwestern Ontario not near or on the High-Speed Rail line; further losses to VIA service and lost opportunities for local economic and population growth (Producing Prosperity in Ontario)
High-Performance Rail operates at speeds below 177 km/h. Transport Canada regulations prohibit all level crossings at speeds over 177 km/h (roads, highways and farm crossings).
OFA Position
The OFA is highly skeptical that the proposed High-Speed Rail concept will provide sustainable, effective, and efficient transportation with any net benefit for Ontarians. For rural and small-towns it downloads all the associated problems, with none of the ascribed benefits. OFA is calling for a comprehensive analysis of costs and benefits of High-Speed Rail and the alternative High-Performance Rail (HPR) proposal including all costs and benefits applicable to rural residents, communities, and farm businesses.
More on High-Speed Rail on the OFA website.