Mikayla is Studying Equine Science Breeding and Production at Olds College in Alberta.
Working at Alta Genetics doing reproductive management at local dairy barns, opened a whole new world for Mikayla. Reproductive management became a passion, and she decided to combine that with her love of horses and pursue this as a career goal. Describing herself as an ‘Equine Midwife’ Mikayla is clearly focused on her ultimate career goal of owning her own business. WFA’s review committee described her as ‘hard core and focused’
A community leader, she has numerous awards to her credit, including 2015/2016 Arthur Fall Fair Ambassador and 2016 Congenial Award at the CNE Ambassador of the Fairs competition. She has volunteered with the annual John Deere show in Grand Valley and is a leader in church VBS programs.
Work experience includes positions at major Dairy AI services, Dajo Dairy, New Obelinks, Altena Veal, and assistant events coordinator for the Ontario Plowmen’s Association.